Component & Pattern Lib

Ok, this is not StoryBook, but you get the idea....

This library contains code templates ready to use by the domain teams developing the shop.

It's bases on Tailwind CSS (v2) and some own custom styles. Include the following resources to copy & paste the components and styles.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-wnea99uKIC3TJF7v4eKk4Y+lMz2Mklv18+r4na2Gn1abDRPPOeef95xTzdwGD9e6zXJBteMIhZ1+68QC5byJZw==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/cdn/css/pl-1.0.3.css">


Headline 1

Headline 2

Headline 3

<h1 class="mb-8 text-5xl">Headline 1</h1>
<h2 class="mb-8 text-2xl">Headline 2</h2>
<h3 class="mb-8 ">Headline 3</h3>


<a class="underline text-red-400" href="#">example link</a>

Button (primary)

<button type='button'  class='p-0.5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-b from-gray-400 to-gray-200 text-white tracking-widest uppercase cursor-pointer font-semibold text-center  shadow transition-all duration-500 '>
        <span class="w-full px-6 py-3 rounded-full bg-gray-800 block transform active:scale-95">
        Button Label

Button (secondary)

<button type='button' class='p-0.5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-b from-gray-300 to-gray-200  text-black tracking-widest uppercase cursor-pointer font-semibold text-center shadow transition-all duration-500 '>
    <span class="w-full px-6 py-3 rounded-full hover:bg-gray-200 bg-white block transform active:scale-95">
    Button Label


<div class="flex items-center gap-x-8">
    <label class="w-20" for="c_firstname">First name</label>
    <input value="initial value"
           class="border border-gray-300 rounded-xl h-10 shadow-inner shadow-lg px-2"
           id="c_firstname" name="firstName"

Page Template

For a new page use the Page Frame Template.